My Story
Welcome to my website! Thanks for taking a moment to read about me and my history with baking.
I was lucky enough to have a mother who baked sweet treats all through my childhood, creating a model for me to learn and follow. From boxed baking mixes to scratch recipes, we always treasured the time together to create and eat something sweet. It is a love language! My mother would stay up hours into the nights before birthdays to create a unique cake to celebrate my sister and myself each and every year.
Of course she became an inspiration for me to continue to learn and decorate cakes for her in return for all the cakes that she made for me. From bringing in themed cupcakes for friends’ birthdays in high school, to getting my first job at a Coldstone and learning speed and efficiency decorating ice cream cakes, as well as getting experience in studio and wedding photography, I now have a romance with creating gourmet specialty and wedding cakes in order to spread the joy, pleasure, and love that a good cake can bring to an occasion.
My Vision
Throughout my lifetime, I have worked for small businesses and large corporations; I have worked for startups and for state schools, storefronts and now a home bakery. Through these different experiences I have gained insight on how a business can be run, as well as how I want to run a business of my own.
As a business owner, I want to offer a quality service and product that is a positive experience from start to finish. I strive to promote an open and accepting environment where anyone is welcome and should feel safe, and I proudly support people of all orientations, cultures, and walks of life. I do not tolerate oppression and believe every human deserves a fair and equitable chance at happiness and life; and I aim to better the community around me through education and empathy - and cake!